Simple Questions Hub

Thursday, March 31, 2005


Is the Bible the Word of God?
Yes or no?

Does the Word of God provide nourishment for the believer's soul?
Yes or no?

Is the Bible available in your own language?
Yes or no?

Do you own Bible or have access to one?
Yes or no?

Can you gain inspiration, comfort, encouragement, edification insight, wisdom and much more from the Bible?
Yes or no?

Besides simply reading the Bible; can a person hear the Bible on audio tape, memorize verses, meditate on verses and diligently study the Word?
Yes or no? ­

Are there verses in the Bible that exhort and command the believer to partake of the Word of God?
Yes or no?

Does the daily intake of the Word improve a person's prayer life, increase their understanding of God and build their faith in His precious promises?
Yes or no?

There are a wide variety of Bible teachers and preachers on Christian radio and TV stations. Could this be another way to feed on God's Word daily?
Yes or no?

Has partaking of God's Word on a daily basis been a high priority in the use of your time, talent and money?
Yes or no?


Does God hear and answer prayers?
Yes or no?

Do you know people who have experienced answers to their prayers?
Yes or no?

Have you experienced answers to your prayers?
Yes or no?

Is prayer as simple as talking to God?
Yes or no?

Does the Bible teach prayer by instruction and the ways that others prayed?
Yes or no?

Is it important to bring all your needs, wants, hurts, etc. to God in prayer on a regular basis?
Yes or no?

Is it important to pray for your friends, family members, fellow church members and others? Yes or no?

Are there verses in the Bible that exhort and command the believer to pray for them self and others?
Yes or no?

Has praying been a high priority in the use of your time, talent and money? (i. e. quality time daily, using all your mind and heart, buying books and tapes about prayer)
Yes or no?


Is hell real?
Yes or No?

Do those in hell experience constant conscious torments?
Yes or no?

Do those who go to hell ever get out?
Yes or no?
Are there actions that humans can take so that some will not
go to hell? (like prayer, fasting, giving money to missionaries and evangelists, distributing evangelistic literature, preaching, serving as an alter worker, witnessing, etc.)
Yes or no?

Is it God’s will that any person should go to hell?
Yes or no?

Is it God's will for you and other Christians to work together so that the gospel of salvation is clearly and boldly proclaimed?
Yes or no? .

Are people accountable to God for what they did and did not do during their lifetime? Yes or no?

Do you care that millions of people around the world go to hell every year?
Yes of no?

Has evangelism been a high priority in the use of your time, talent and money?
Yes or no?


Is EVERY person in this city born again?
Yes or no?

Is it probable that ALL of those who are not saved will somehow suddenly decide to go to church?
Yes or no?

Does EVERY church in this city preach the pure and simple gospel?
Yes or no?

If an adult is not born again when they die; do they AUTOMATICALLY go to Hell?
Yes or no?

Is Hell REAL?
Yes or no?

Do those in Hell experience constant conscious torments without ANY hope of relief? Yes or no?

Can those in Hell EVER get out?
Yes or no?

Is it God's will for ANY person to go to Hell?
Yes or no?

Is Heaven the eternal home of ALL who have been born again into God's family?
Yes or no?

Are there ACTIONS that humans can take so that some will not go to Hell but go to Heaven for all eternity? (like prayer, fasting, giving money, distributing evangelistic literature, witnessing, serving as an altar worker, etc.)
Yes or no?

Does the Great Commission apply to EVERY Christian (including you)?
Yes or no?

When the Acts 1:8 mandate speaks of being His witnesses in Jerusalem; does it mean that believers are to EVANGELIZE their own city?
Yes or no?

Are eternal REWARDS gained or lost by those who do or do not participate in evangelism? Yes or no?

Do you CARE that millions of people around the world and in this city go to Hell every year?
Yes or no?

Has evangelism been a HIGH priority in the use of your time, talent and money?
Yes or no?

Are there ways for you to get more INVOLVED in taking the gospel to those in this city? Yes or no?

Do you feel CONVICTED about what you have read?
Yes or no?

Are you willing to PRAY about it?
Yes or no?


Does the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20) apply to every Christian (including you)?
Yes or no?

When the Acts 1:8 mandate speaks of being His witnesses in Jerusalem; does it mean that believers are to evangelize their own city?
Yes or no?

Are eternal rewards gained or lost by those who do or do not participate in evangelism? Yes or no?

Do you care that millions of people around the world and in this city go to Hell every year?
Yes or no?

Has evangelism been a high priority in the use of your time, talent and money?
Yes or no?

Are there ways for you to get more involved in taking the gospel to those in this city?
Yes or no?


Do you keep ALL your promises?
Yes or no?

Do you promise to love the Lord your God with ALL your heart, mind and soul?
Yes or no?

Do you promise to LOVE your neighbor as your self? And being led by the Holy Spirit, do you promise to express this love with appropriate words and deeds?
Yes or no?

Do you promise to TRUST in the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart?
Yes or no? _

Do you promise to OBEY the Lord Jesus Christ every day and in every way?
Yes or no? .

Do you promise to quickly CONFESS your sins privately to God?
Yes or No?
[Note that sins include: thoughts, words and deeds. There are sins of commission (wrongs that you did) and sins of omission (what you did not do) .]

Do you promise to REPENT of every sin am sinful habit as soon as you are convicted by the Holy Spirit?
Yes or no?

Do you promise to learn about PRAYER and practice it daily?
Yes of no?

Do you promise to learn about INTERCESSION and practice it daily?
Yes or no?

Do you promise to invest quality time each day partaking of God's Word, the BIBLE? (read, hear on audiotape, meditate, memorize and/or study)
Yes or no?

Do you promise to seek, find am LEARN from the best Christian teachers, preachers and authors?
Yes or no?

Do you promise to discover, use and develop your SPIRITUAL GIFTS?
Yes or no?

Do you promise to become a faithful STEWARD of your time, talent, spiritual gifts, money, possessions and relationships?
Yes or no?

Do you promise to seek, find am develop suitable places of SERVICE within the Body of Christ? Yes or no?

Do you promise to do your best to fully participate in the many processes of EVANGELIZING unbelievers?
Yes or no?

Do you promise to encourage and exhort believers to fully PARTICIPATE in the life of the Body of Christ?
Yes or no?
Do you promise to do your best to give THANKS to God frequently and PRAISE Him often?
Yes or no?

Monday, March 28, 2005


This blog is just a tiny part of what will be woven into the Blueprint for Four Bridges Ministry

This will be interweaved on the web platform with other blogs that you can explore here


Bible Study Hub

Message Sparks Hub

Abundant Inspiration Hub

Thousand Questions Hub

Question about God

Questions about Humans

Simple Questions Hub

Critical Words Hub

Biblical Terms Hub


Your comments, suggestions and questions are always welcomed.